Best Women to Follow for Money Advice
Best Women to Follow for Money Advice
Historically, women have been largely left out of money conversations. However, with the increasing surge of women in investing, money blogging, and financial education, the days of a male-dominated financial industry are quickly becoming ancient history.
March is Women’s History Month, so it’s the perfect time to highlight some of the best female financial personalities.
1. Farnoosh Torabi
Farnoosh Torabi is the host of the weekly “So Money Podcast” and author of “You’re So Money: Live Rich, Even When You’re Not.” She has been writing and speaking about personal finance for almost 20 years. Lastly, as a podcast host, she’s interviewed everyone from “Shark Tank” host Barbara Corcoran to Queen Latifah.
2. Tiffany Aliche
After the Great Recession, Tiffany Aliche aka the Budgenista found herself broke and living with her parents. After digging herself out of that financial hole, she decided to share her lessons learned in a Facebook group that has grown to almost 500,000 members.
Finally, she is also the author of “Get Good with Money: Ten Simple Steps to Becoming Financially Whole,” and has been a regular contributor to “The Real” talk show.
3. Cat Alford
Author of the book, “Mom’s Got Money,” Cat Alford posts about handling finances as a business owner and mother of twins. Moreover, she shares relatable tips from her day-to-day life, like how to teach your kids about money with a weekly allowance, and how to handle imposter syndrome as a new entrepreneur.
4.Tori Dunlap
Tori Dunlap of Her First $100K saved $100,000 by age 25 – and she’s on a mission to help other women do the same. For instance, she creates TikToks that show women how to negotiate in the workplace. As a result, she’s helped women secure more than $200,000 in extra pay and benefits.
5. Amanda Holden
More commonly known as the Dumpster Doggy, Amanda Holden began her career in the corporate investment world. She’s since found her calling educating women about the importance of investing.
On her Instagram, Holden explains investing basics like how to open a retirement account, and discusses current events like why GameStop is suddenly all over the news.
6. Kara Perez
Kara Perez of Bravely Go focuses on the intersection between politics and personal finance.
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She also hosts interesting, affordable virtual workshops. Some are titled; “How Not to Die Broke” and “Ethical Investing 101: How to Be a Good Person and Still Make Money.”
7. Melanie Lockert
Podcaster Melanie Lockert hosts the “Mental Health and Wealth Show” where she interviews expert guests on the correlation between personal finance and mental health issues.
Lockert began her career by writing about paying off $81,000 in student loans. Consequently, she quickly discovered how many other people were suffering from anxiety and depression because of their debt. Her blog, “Dear Debt,” consists of break-up letters from herself and others to their debt.
8. Paula Pant
Real estate investor Paula Pant of Afford Anything shares her journey of owning and managing multiple investment properties. Her detailed blog posts highlight the ins and outs of being a real estate investor and provide actionable tips.
9. Jamila Souffrant
Jamila Souffrant hosts the podcast “Journey to Launch,” where she interviews guests about achieving financial freedom. Additionally, Souffrant also shares her own personal journey. She recounts how she and her husband almost lost $44,000 on a real estate deal, and how she tackles her own money goals.
10. Tanja Hester
As the author of “Work Optional: Retire Early the Non-Penny-Pinching Way,” Tanja Hester of Our Next Life provides an eco-conscious, progressive take on the Financial Independence, Retire Early (FIRE) movement.
11. Bola Sokunbi
Bola Sokunbi of Clever Girl Finance creates holistic financial education content. Topics range from investing to becoming debt-free to starting your own business. In 2020, Sokunbi made all her courses free so consumers can learn important skills like building good credit, setting financial goals, and navigating student loans.
12. Tasha Cochran
YouTuber Tasha Cochran of One Big Happy Life shares insights into budgeting, investing, and managing money as a family. Cochran’s non-judgmental approach will help you tackle your finances with no shame or guilt.
13. Erin Lowry
Author of three personal finance books, Erin Lowry of Broke Millennial explains personal finance in an easy-to-understand way. Even if you don’t know the difference between an IRA and the IRS, you’ll find her content informative and relatable.
Her latest book, “Broke Millennial Talks Money,” focuses on awkward money conversations and gives advice on talking to your partner, friends, and coworkers about financial issues.
14. Michelle Singletary
A Pulitzer-nominated personal finance columnist for the Washington Post, Michelle Singletary writes about the day-to-day issues affecting average Americans, like when they’ll receive the latest stimulus check or why they should avoid filing a paper tax return.
15. Bernadette Anat
With her enthusiastic dance moves, Bernadette Anat markets herself as “your financial hype woman.” Every week, Instagram followers send in their money wins, and Berna applauds by dancing it out for them.
Moreover, she also shares her personal journey, like creating an emergency pet fund before adopting a dog or snagging free furniture on the street.
16. Allison Baggerly
Allison Baggerly and her husband paid off $111,000 worth of debt on two teacher salaries. Today, she runs Inspired Budget, where she offers budgeting tips and resources to other women who struggle to save for their goals.
Further, on her Instagram, Baggerly shares budgets from real followers and provides advice on how they can save more money.
17. Bitches Get Riches
If you hate getting financial advice that feels condescending, you’ll love reading Bitches Get Riches. The duo behind the site, Lauren and Jess, break down interesting topics like the financial cost of sexual harassment or the history of the US healthcare system.
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18. Stefanie O’Connell Rodriguez
As the author of “The Broke and Beautiful Life,” Stefanie O’Connell Rodriguez started writing about personal finance when she was an aspiring Broadway actress. Now, she’s a national personal finance expert, host of the newly-released “Money Confidential” podcast, and founder of Statement Cards, greeting cards that celebrate women’s achievements beyond getting married and having kids.
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