Is Your Small Business Ready for Cloud Accounting?

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Is you small service-based business ready for cloud accounting? Take this short quiz to learn the advantages and determine if you’re ready!
Your email likely lives on the cloud. You probably even store your music and photographs there. So you already know the many of benefits! They’re the same for cloud accounting, including.- Mobility: You can perform tasks and access information from any device, including mobile.
- Time-savings: Cloud-based solutions save you time by working on-the-go and automating routine tasks.
- Seamless integrations: Complementary tasks can be seamlessly dovetailed on the cloud, meaning you have less manual work to move information around and reconcile it.
- Security / mitigating the risk of lost data: Your data is safe no matter what happens to your hardware. Plus, your provider takes responsibility for monitoring your infrastructure and keeping your data secure, which can save you money.
- User-driven innovation: Cloud-based apps are built and updated regularly based on user insights and demands.
- Affordability: No expensive software or systems to be installed and maintained. Plus easy pay-as-you-go subscriptions.
- Environmentally friendly: Hosting information in a secure data center rather than onsite allows you to take advantage of the latest energy-efficient technology.

about the author
Jane Flanagan is the Content Director at FreshBooks. Follow her on Twitter @seenandsaid.Discover more from My Business Web Space
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