Working Toward Financial Freedom – MintLife Blog
Working Toward Financial Freedom – MintLife Blog
To celebrate and recognize how our Minters are achieving their financial milestones, we reached out to everyday Mint users like you, to share their stories.
We connected with Becca, a 27-year-old personal finance entrepreneur from New York to learn more about her journey with Mint! Check it out below.
I’ve always loved personal finance and recently created my own brand to help other women learn about finances as well. When it comes to my journey with Mint, I’ve been using it since 2015 to help set and maintain my budgets, and I check the app every day to categorize my new transactions. And that’s one of my favorite things about the Mint app — seeing my transactions automatically appear so I can quickly categorize them and see how they affect my budgets.
Usually when I wake up in the morning or before work, I’ll open Mint and look at my latest transactions to make sure they’re in the right categories and then see what that does to my budgets overall. This makes it quick and easy to always know where I stand. It also helps to be able to see all my transactions from different accounts in one place so I can check to make sure there are no transactions that aren’t mine! You always need to check to make sure there isn’t fraud!
I also use Mint’s trends feature to see how my spending has changed over time. Lifestyle creep can affect all of us (when our income goes up, we end up spending more instead of saving more). I like to look back and see how my spending has changed over time to identify any areas of lifestyle creep that I may want to reign in.
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One of my financial goals is that I am constantly trying to grow my net worth so that I can have as many options as I want as I get older. If I want to retire early, then I want to be able to have the financial freedom to do that. If I want to continue working and live a lavish lifestyle, I want to have that option. I want to have as many options as I can, which means I need to be saving as much as I can now. Mint helps me make sure I keep my spending in check to make that happen.
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Mint has constantly been helping me with this goal, and one of my milestones is that I recently hit a net worth of $300K! Without Mint helping me start my financial journey and keeping me on track to my budgets I could have never done this.
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Annemarie Belda (25 Posts)
Annemarie Belda is the communications manager for Intuit Mint. She is passionate about helping readers achieve their financial goals from starting a savings account to financial freedom.
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