Forms for Excel, new experience for Excel survey in Office 365


Microsoft Workplace Discount Program

Introducing Forms for Excel

Forms for Excel, in Preview for commercial customers, powered by Microsoft Forms, has replaced Excel Survey. This update, available for Office 365 Commercial and Education customers, comes with a modern experience to make it simple and easy to collect information from users in the same organization, to anyone in the world. Forms for Excel includes new features such as response time, responder name, images, videos, themes, and branching logic.

Create Forms for Excel

Use any of the following entry points:

    • OneDrive for Business: Click + New.
    • Document library of modern SharePoint team sites (O365 group backed): Click + New.
    • Excel Online: Click Forms > + New Form. The workbook is stored on OneDrive for Business or modern SharePoint team sites.




Simple and easy to use

Create in minutes – Quickly build a form in your Excel workbook from Excel Online, OneDrive for Business, or SharePoint Online.




Send to anyone – Send your form to colleagues or go broad. Keep the Excel workbook response data safe on your OneDrive.


See real time results – See summary result with charts in Microsoft Forms and check real time response data in your Excel workbook.


Who can use “Forms for Excel”?

Office 365 Commercial and Education customers. No change for Office 365 Consumer customers. Learn more.

What does “Forms for Excel” mean for my existing Excel surveys?

All existing Excel surveys will continue to work.

What do I have for my classic SharePoint team sites?

You can still use Excel survey if “external sharing” is enabled for your classic SharePoint team sites.

Where is the data stored?

All data is primarily stored on servers of Microsoft Forms, and all response data is automatically stored in your Excel workbook. Get details about Security and Compliance for Microsoft Forms.

Does “Forms for Excel” depend on external sharing settings in my organization?

Forms for Excel can be used without changing your organization’s sharing settings.

How can I configure “Forms for Excel”?

Office 365 administrators can control how “Forms for Excel” is used in their organization through Microsoft Forms settings. Get more details about how to configure Microsoft Forms.


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